About Me

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Elsinore, Denmark
I was born in Denmark. I am the son of King Hamlet and Queen Gertude. I am in love with Ophelia. I am viewed as being a flirt and I am adored by the citizens.I am the nephew of Claudius and i go to school in Wittenburg. I tend to be very complentative but can be very rash in some situations.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Act.2 Quote

"Yet I, A dull and muddy-mettled rascal, peak Like John-a-dreams, unpregnant of my cause, And can say nothing—no, not for a king, Upon whose property and most dearlife A damned defeat was made." (Act.2 Sc.2 Ln.593-598)

-There isn't any words to describe the resentment and shame i feel towards myself, my fear has prohibited me from realizing that my own father has been murdered. It makes me nothing more than a coward to weep all day over my father's death and not take any action against my uncle. For i have seen my father's ghost and he has given me all the reason and proof I need to take vengeance but yet why have I not done anything to fix this matter? The time has come to focus on devising a plan to catch Claudius in his guilt! I have recently discovered that the players will be coming to visit, I will ask them to recite a play about a brother's greed driving him to kill his own brother for the crown and this is bound to drown Claudius in his own guilt. For if he shows any signs of a stained conscience it will only reassure me that he is responsible for ending my father's life and putting me through this misery of mine.